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Boards & Committees
Select an option below to see Board or Committee details.
ABA Delegates
Access to Justice Commission
Bar Counsel Review and Oversight Committee
Board of Continuing Legal Education
Board of Law Examiners
Board of Officers & Commissioners
Board of Professional Responsibility
Character & Fitness Committee
Civil Pattern Jury Instructions Committee
Client Protection Fund Committee
Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics
Continuing Legal Education Committee
Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions Committee
Editorial Committee
Equal Justice Wyoming
Fee Arbitration Committee
Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee
Judicial Nominating Commission
Juvenile Pattern Jury Instructions Committee
Law School Liaison Committee
Legislative Developments Committee
Permanent Rules Advisory - Appellate
Permanent Rules Advisory - Civil
Permanent Rules Advisory - Criminal
Permanent Rules Advisory - Evidence
Permanent Rules Advisory - Juvenile
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Trustee
Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee
Uniform Laws Commission
WyLAP Advisory Committee
WyLAP Foundation Board
Wyoming Judicial Council
Mr. James R. Bell
3421 East 24th Street
Casper, WY 82609
Email: jrbell2@bresnan.net
Phone: (307) 237-4525
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2013
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Devon P. O'Connell
Pence and MacMillan LLC
P.O. Box 1285
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: doconnell@penceandmac.com
Phone: (307) 745-3626
Fax: (307) 745-8669
Date Appointed: 09/11/2015
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Christopher H. Hawks
Hawks & Associates, LC
P.O. Box 4430
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: chris@hawksassociates.net
Phone: (307) 733-9437
Fax: (866) 220-6681
Date Appointed: 01/01/2019
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Khale Justin Lenhart
Hirst Applegate, LLP
P.O. Box 1083
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: klenhart@hirstapplegate.com
Phone: (307) 632-0541
Fax: (307) 632-4999
Date Appointed: 01/01/2018
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Hon. Nathaniel Scott Hibben
Circuit Court Eighth Judicial District
P.O. Box 980
Goshen County Courthouse
Torrington, WY 82240
Email: nsh@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 532-2938
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Kylie Marie Waldrip
Kylie M. Waldrip, P.C.
P.O. Box 998
Rawlins, WY 82301
Email: kylie@kmwpc.net
Phone: (307) 328-4079
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 02/24/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Patrick Robert Tolley
Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley, P.C.
159 North Wolcott, Suite 220
Casper, WY 82601
Email: ptolley@wsmtlaw.com
Phone: (307) 234-6907
Fax: (307) 234-6908
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Marty L. Oblasser
Corthell and King Law Office, P.C.
P.O. Box 1147
Laramie, WY 82070
Email: marty@corthellandking.com
Phone: (307) 742-3717
Fax: (307) 742-5641
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Kevin C. Cook
True Oil, LLC
P.O. Drawer 2360
Casper, WY 82602
Email: kevin.cook@truecos.com
Phone: (307) 266-0318
Fax: (307) 266-0357
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Phillip Willoughby
Phil Willoughby Atty.
104 Coal Shadow Road
Evansville, WY 82636
Email: willoughbylawwy@gmail.com
Phone: (307) 266-4549
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Hon. Suzannah G. Robinson
Third Judicial District Court
80 West Flaming Gorge Way, Suite 223
Green River, WY 82935
Email: sgr@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 872-3228
Fax: (307) 872-6494
Date Elected: 06/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Erin Kelly Murphy
Revenir Energy Inc.
1400 16th Street, Suite 510
Denver, CO 80202
Email: emurphy@revenirenergy.com
Phone: (720) 498-3026
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Jeffrey A. Donnell
Pence and MacMillan, LLC
P.O. Box 1285
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: jdonnell@penceandmac.com
Phone: (307) 745-3626
Fax: (307) 745-8669
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Bradley Trent Cave
Holland & Hart, LLP
P.O. Box 1347
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: bcave@hollandhart.com
Phone: (307) 778-4200
Fax: (307) 778-8175
Date Appointed: 02/14/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Vice Chairperson
Ms. DaNece Day
Crook County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 397
Sundance, WY 82729
Email: daneced@crookcounty.wy.gov
Phone: (307) 283-1090
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Vice Chairperson
Ms. Kelly Marie Shaw
Koch Law, P.C.
P.O. Box 2660
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: kshaw@kochlawpc.com
Phone: (307) 426-5010
Fax: (307) 426-4927
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Vice Chairperson
Ms. Susan Chapin Stubson
Crowley Fleck PLLP
111 West 2nd Street, Suite 220
Casper, WY 82601
Email: sstubson@crowleyfleck.com
Phone: (307) 265-2279
Fax: (307) 265-2307
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Vice Chairperson
Mr. John A. Masterson
Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley, P.C.
159 North Wolcott, Suite 220
Casper, WY 82601
Email: jmasterson@wsmtlaw.com
Phone: (307) 234-6907
Fax: (307) 234-6908
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Second Vice Chairperson
Mr. W. Thomas Sullins
4061 Valley Road
Casper, WY 82604
Email: wtsullins@gmail.com
Phone: (307) 262-8081
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Keith S. Burron
The Burron Firm, P.C.
1695 Morningstar Road
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Email: keith@burronlaw.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 03/02/2018
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Wyoming State Bar Delegate
Prof. Dona Playton
University of Wyoming College of Law
1000 East University Avenue, Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Email: dplayton@uwyo.edu
Phone: (307) 766-3747
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 08/09/2022
Term Expires: 08/09/2024
Wyoming State Delegate
Hon. Joseph Bryce Bluemel
Third Judicial District Court
P.O. Box 47
Kemmerer, WY 83101
Email: jbb@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 877-2055
Fax: (307) 877-6263
Date Elected: 08/31/2017
Term Expires: 08/08/2026
Mr. James Trent Whiting
Whiting Law, PC
277 Main Street, Suite 3
Lander, WY 82520
Email: james@whitinglawpc.com
Phone: (307) 332-5534
Fax: (307) 332-5562
Date Elected: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 09/19/2025
Ms. Rhonda Sigrist Woodard
Wolf, Tiedeken & Woodard, LLP
717 Rodeo Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82009
President Elect
Mr. P. Craig Silva
Office of the Federal Public Defender - Districts of Colorado and Wyoming
104 South Wolcott, Suite 550
Casper, WY 82601
Email: craig_silva@fd.org
Phone: (307) 772-2781
Fax: (307) 772-2788
Date Elected: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 09/19/2025
Vice President
Mr. Kim D. Cannon
Davis & Cannon, LLP
P.O. Box 728
Sheridan, WY 82801
Email: cannon@davisandcannon.com
Phone: (307) 672-7491
Fax: (307) 672-8955
Date Elected:
Term Expires:
Vice President
Ms. Alison Ochs Gee
Lubnau Law Office, P.C.
P.O. Box 1028
Gillette, WY 82717
Email: alison@lubnaulaw.com
Phone: (307) 682-1313
Fax: (307) 682-9340
Date Elected: 08/16/2024
Term Expires: 09/19/2025
Mr. Paul J. Hickey
Paul J. Hickey, Esq.
803 Mylar Park Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Ms. Kelly Marie Neville
Brown & Hiser, LLC
P.O. Box 971
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: kneville@brownandhiser.law
Phone: (307) 745-7358
Fax: (307) 745-7385
Date Elected: 09/17/2021
Term Expires: 09/19/2025
Mr. William Phillip Schwartz
Parsons Behle & Latimer
P.O. Box 3890
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: bschwartz@parsonsbehle.com
Phone: (307) 733-5130
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected:
Term Expires:
Immediate Past President
Ms. Anna M. Reeves Olson
Long Reimer Winegar LLP
242 South Park Street
Casper, WY 82601
Email: aolson@lrw-law.com
Phone: (307) 265-3843
Fax: (307) 235-0243
Date Elected: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 09/19/2025
Commissioner, 2nd District
Prof. Dona Playton
University of Wyoming College of Law
1000 East University Avenue, Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Email: dplayton@uwyo.edu
Phone: (307) 766-3747
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 09/16/2022
Term Expires: 09/08/2025
Commissioner, 3rd District
Mr. Jason Petri
Law Office of Jason Petri, P.C.
1993 Dewar Drive, Suite 3
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Email: jason@jasonpetri.com
Phone: (307) 352-9352
Fax: (307) 382-2171
Date Elected: 09/17/2021
Term Expires: 09/17/2027
Commissioner, 4th District
Mr. Kevin King Kessner
Yonkee & Toner, LLP
P.O. Box 6288
Sheridan, WY 82801
Email: kkessner@yonkeetoner.com
Phone: (307) 674-7451
Fax: (307) 672-6250
Date Elected: 09/17/2020
Term Expires: 09/11/2026
Commissioner, 5th District
Ms. Jennifer L. Kirk
Big Horn County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 647
Basin, WY 82410
Email: jennifer.kirk@bighorncountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 568-2436
Fax: (307) 568-2600
Date Elected: 09/17/2020
Term Expires: 09/11/2026
Commissioner, 6th District
Mr. Kyle Andrew Ferris
Campbell County Attorney's Office
500 South Gillette Avenue, Suite B200
Gillette, WY 82716
Email: kyle.ferris@campbellcountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 682-4310
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 09/17/2027
Commissioner, 7th District
Ms. Emily S. Madden
The Spence Law Firm, LLC
232 East 2nd Street, Suite 101
Casper, WY 82601
Email: madden@spencelawyers.com
Phone: (307) 733-7290
Fax: (307) 337-3835
Date Elected: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 09/17/2027
Commissioner, 8th District
Ms. Anne Karen Wasserburger
Wasserburger Law, LLC
P.O. Box 4
Lusk, WY 82225
Email: awasserburger@outlook.com
Phone: (307) 334-9994
Fax: (844) 668-4953
Date Elected: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 09/17/2027
Commissioner, 9th District
Mr. Clayton Miles Melinkovich
Sublette County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 1010
Pinedale, WY 82941
Email: clayton.melinkovich@sublettecountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 367-2300
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 09/08/2023
Term Expires: 09/11/2026
Mr. James Trent Whiting
Whiting Law, PC
277 Main Street, Suite 3
Lander, WY 82520
Email: james@whitinglawpc.com
Phone: (307) 332-5534
Fax: (307) 332-5562
Date Appointed: 01/01/2018
Term Expires: 09/13/2024
Mr. Kevin King Kessner
Yonkee & Toner, LLP
P.O. Box 6288
Sheridan, WY 82801
Email: kkessner@yonkeetoner.com
Phone: (307) 674-7451
Fax: (307) 672-6250
Date Appointed: 09/17/2020
Term Expires: 09/13/2025
Mr. P. Craig Silva
Office of the Federal Public Defender - Districts of Colorado and Wyoming
104 South Wolcott, Suite 550
Casper, WY 82601
Email: craig_silva@fd.org
Phone: (307) 772-2781
Fax: (307) 772-2788
Date Appointed: 11/19/2021
Term Expires: 09/13/2024
Ms. Alison Ochs Gee
Lubnau Law Office, P.C.
P.O. Box 1028
Gillette, WY 82717
Email: alison@lubnaulaw.com
Phone: (307) 682-1313
Fax: (307) 682-9340
Date Appointed: 11/04/2022
Term Expires: 09/13/2025
Mr. Clayton Miles Melinkovich
Sublette County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 1010
Pinedale, WY 82941
Email: clayton.melinkovich@sublettecountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 367-2300
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. James Trent Whiting
Whiting Law, PC
277 Main Street, Suite 3
Lander, WY 82520
Email: james@whitinglawpc.com
Phone: (307) 332-5534
Fax: (307) 332-5562
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. James Trent Whiting
Whiting Law, PC
277 Main Street, Suite 3
Lander, WY 82520
Email: james@whitinglawpc.com
Phone: (307) 332-5534
Fax: (307) 332-5562
Date Appointed: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Jacqueline K. Brown
City Attorney's Office
200 North David Street
Casper, WY 82601
Email: jacbrown@casperwy.gov
Phone: (307) 235-7503
Fax: (307) 235-7506
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Ashley C. Schluck
City of Laramie
P.O. Box
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: acastor@cityoflaramie.org
Phone: (307) 721-5321
Fax: (307) 721-5318
Date Appointed: 01/01/2019
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Devon P. O'Connell
Pence and MacMillan LLC
P.O. Box 1285
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: doconnell@penceandmac.com
Phone: (307) 745-3626
Fax: (307) 745-8669
Date Appointed: 09/11/2015
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Joseph E. Hallock
Stevens, Edwards, Hallock & Undeberg, P.C.
P.O. Box 1148
Gillette, WY 82717
Email: joehallock@newyolaw.com
Phone: (307) 682-1444
Fax: (307) 687-2896
Date Elected:
Term Expires:
Ms. Mary Kristeen Hand
The Spence Law Firm, LLC
P.O. Box 548
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: hand@spencelawyers.com
Phone: (307) 733-7290
Fax: (307) 733-5248
Date Appointed: 04/26/2016
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Martin L. Hardsocg
Wyoming State Board of Equalization
P.O. Box 448
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: marty.hardsocg1@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 777-5284
Fax: (307) 777-6363
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. William L. Hiser
Brown & Hiser, LLC
P.O. Box 971
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: bhiser@brownandhiser.law
Phone: (307) 745-7358
Fax: (307) 745-7385
Date Appointed: 01/01/2013
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Hon. Keith G. Kautz
2023 Chaparral Road
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Email: kgkautz@yahoo.com
Phone: (307) 534-6851
Fax: Not Available
. 01/01/2002
Term Expires: 05/01/2026
Ms. Marilyn S. Kite
1335 Ashley Street
Laramie, WY 82070
Mr. Scott E. Kolpitcke
Copenhaver, Kitchen & Kolpitcke, LLC
P.O. Box 839
Powell, WY 82435
Email: scott@ckattorneys.net
Phone: (307) 754-2276
Fax: (307) 754-4744
Date Appointed: 01/01/2015
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. John A. Masterson
Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley, P.C.
159 North Wolcott, Suite 220
Casper, WY 82601
Email: jmasterson@wsmtlaw.com
Phone: (307) 234-6907
Fax: (307) 234-6908
Date Appointed: 03/31/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Kelly Marie Neville
Brown & Hiser, LLC
P.O. Box 971
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: kneville@brownandhiser.law
Phone: (307) 745-7358
Fax: (307) 745-7385
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Michael D. Newman
Hampton and Newman L.C.
P.O. Box 1000
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Email: mnewman@hamptonnewmanlaw.com
Phone: (307) 382-6443
Fax: (307) 382-7866
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Megan Overmann Goetz
Pence and MacMillan, LLC
P.O. Box 1285
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: movermann@penceandmac.com
Phone: (307) 745-3626
Fax: (307) 745-8669
Date Appointed: 01/01/2014
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Randall B. Reed
Long Reimer Winegar LLP
P.O. Box 87
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: rreed@lrw-law.com
Phone: (307) 635-0710
Fax: (307) 635-0413
Date Appointed: 01/01/2014
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Darin Boyd Scheer
Darin B. Scheer, P.C.
Box 147
Farson, WY 82932
Email: Dscheer@dscheerpc.com
Phone: (307) 349-9207
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2014
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Jennifer Kay Stone
Carbon County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 1146
Rawlins, WY 82301
Email: jenniferstone@carboncountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 328-2700
Fax: (307) 328-2704
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Hon. Misha Eaton Westby
Second Judicial District Court
P.O. Box 1106
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: mew@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 745-3337
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 08/15/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Matthew Delano Kaufman
Hathaway & Kunz, LLP
P.O. Box 1208
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: mkaufman@hkwyolaw.com
Phone: (307) 634-7723
Fax: (307) 634-0985
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Joanna R. Vilos
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
214 East 23rd Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: Joanna.Vilos@crmcwy.org
Phone: (307) 633-7414
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2018
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Amanda Marie Good
P.O. Box 394
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: mgood@crowleyfleck.com
Phone: (307) 426-4100
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Bobby Wayne Pineda
The Law Office of Bobby W. Pineda
161 K Street
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Email: bwpineda@pinedalawoffice.com
Phone: (307) 382-5999
Fax: (307) 382-5995
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Richard Leon Shanor
1535 Tranquility Road
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Email: dickyshanor@gmail.com
Phone: (307) 399-5103
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2019
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Alan Gregory Harding
Brown & Hiser, LLC
P.O. Box 971
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: AHarding@brownandhiser.law
Phone: (307) 745-7358
Fax: (307) 745-7385
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Clayton Miles Melinkovich
Sublette County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 1010
Pinedale, WY 82941
Email: clayton.melinkovich@sublettecountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 367-2300
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2016
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Hon. Joshua Charles Eames
Seventh Judicial District Court
115 North Center Street, Suite 200
Casper, WY 82601
Email: jce@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 235-9253
Fax: (307) 235-9505
Date Appointed: 01/01/2019
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Jennifer L. Kirk
Big Horn County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 647
Basin, WY 82410
Email: jennifer.kirk@bighorncountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 568-2436
Fax: (307) 568-2600
Date Appointed: 01/01/2019
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Shawn Gordon Wilde
Converse County Attorney's Office
1201 Mesa Drive, Suite D
Douglas, WY 82633
Email: shawn.wilde@conversecountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 358-5020
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 07/05/2019
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Phillip R. Wulf
PNG Legal Group LLC
2141 Lexington Avenue
Casper, WY 82609
Email: phillip.wulf@takkion.com
Phone: (307) 314-3676
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Katharine Kunz Wilkinson
KKW Consulting, LLC
P.O. Box 21929
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: kwilkinson@kkwconsulting.net
Phone: (307) 421-5582
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Eric Paul Waeckerlin
Greenberg Traurig
1144 15th Street, Suite 3300
Denver, CO 80202
Email: Eric.Waeckerlin@gtlaw.com
Phone: (303) 685-7444
Fax: (303) 223-1101
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Emily S. Madden
The Spence Law Firm, LLC
232 East 2nd Street, Suite 101
Casper, WY 82601
Email: madden@spencelawyers.com
Phone: (307) 733-7290
Fax: (307) 337-3835
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Craig Newman
The Law Office of Craig Newman
P.O. Box 2310
Casper, WY 82602
Email: cnewmanlaw@gmail.com
Phone: (307) 237-9588
Fax: (307) 237-9589
Date Appointed: 09/11/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Justin A. Daraie
Long Reimer Winegar LLP
P.O. Box 3070
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: jdaraie@lrw-law.com
Phone: (307) 734-1908
Fax: (307) 733-3752
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. James Bradley Peters
Wyoming Attorney General's Office
109 State Capitol
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Email: james.peters@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 777-8662
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. David Michael Clark
Ragain & Clark, PC
1501 Stampede Avenue, Unit 9010
Cody, WY 82414
Email: dave@mtwylaw.com
Phone: (307) 388-6400
Fax: (307) 333-0325
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Emily S. Madden
The Spence Law Firm, LLC
232 East 2nd Street, Suite 101
Casper, WY 82601
Email: madden@spencelawyers.com
Phone: (307) 733-7290
Fax: (307) 337-3835
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Michael Finton Lutz
The Spence Law Firm, LLC
P.O. Box 606
Pinedale, WY 82941
Email: lutz@spencelawyers.com
Phone: (307) 733-7290
Fax: (307) 207-5543
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Kit Jackson Wendtland
Wyoming Governor's Office
200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Email: kit.wendtland@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 777-8525
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Hon. Dawnessa Ann Snyder
Second Judicial District Court
415 West Pine Street, Suite 201
Rawlins, WY 82301
Email: lsheller@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 328-2684
Fax: (307) 328-2729
Date Elected:
Term Expires:
Mr. Patrick Robert Tolley
Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley, P.C.
159 North Wolcott, Suite 220
Casper, WY 82601
Email: ptolley@wsmtlaw.com
Phone: (307) 234-6907
Fax: (307) 234-6908
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Caitlin Frances Harper
First Judicial District Court
309 West 20th Street, Suite 3300
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: charper@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 633-4511
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Jenny Lynn Craig
Wyoming Attorney General's Office
109 State Capitol
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Email: jenny.craig1@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 777-6862
Fax: (307) 777-5034
Date Elected: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Hon. Katharine Griffin McKay
Ninth Judicial District Court
P.O. Box 681
Pinedale, WY 82941
Email: kgm@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 332-4592
Fax: (307) 332-4059
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Christopher Michael De Santis Sherwood
Yonkee & Toner, LLP
P.O. Box 6288
Sheridan, WY 82801
Email: csherwood@yonkeetoner.com
Phone: (307) 674-7451
Fax: (307) 672-6250
Date Appointed: 04/15/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Kevin King Kessner
Yonkee & Toner, LLP
P.O. Box 6288
Sheridan, WY 82801
Email: kkessner@yonkeetoner.com
Phone: (307) 674-7451
Fax: (307) 672-6250
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. J. David Horning
Horning, Horning & McGrath, LLC
400 South Douglas Highway
Gillette, WY 82716
Email: dave@hhmattorneys.com
Phone: (307) 686-3736
Fax: (307) 696-6013
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Kylie Marie Waldrip
Kylie M. Waldrip, P.C.
P.O. Box 998
Rawlins, WY 82301
Email: kylie@kmwpc.net
Phone: (307) 328-4079
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Monty L. Barnett
White and Steele, P.C.
600 17th Street, Suite 600N
Denver, CO 80202
Email: mbarnett@wsteele.com
Phone: (303) 296-2828
Fax: (303) 296-3131
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Grant Harvey Lawson
The Law Firm for Truck Safety
1551 Three Crowns Drive, Suite 100
Casper , WY 82604
Email: grant@truckaccidents.com
Phone: (307) 301-3455
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Cole N. Sherard
Pence and MacMillan, LLC
P.O. Box 1285
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: csherard@penceandmac.com
Phone: (307) 745-3626
Fax: (307) 745-8669
Date Elected: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Hon. Erin Elizabeth Weisman
Ninth Judicial District Circuit Court
P.O. Box 2906
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: eew@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 733-7713
Fax: (307) 733-8694
Date Elected: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Katharine Elizabeth Lovett
Lovett Law, LLC
P.O. Box 1244
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: katharine@lovettlawwyoming.com
Phone: (307) 264-0552
Fax: (307) 316-0552
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Alaina M. Stedillie
Crowley Fleck PLLP
111 West 2nd Street, Suite 220
Casper, WY 82601
Email: astedillie@crowleyfleck.com
Phone: (307) 265-2279
Fax: (307) 265-2307
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Hon. Darci Anne Valerie Phillips
Fourth Judicial District Court
224 South Main Street, Suite B11J
Sheridan County Courthouse
Sheridan, WY 82801
Email: davp@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 674-4478
Fax: (307) 674-4470
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Matthew J. Micheli
Holland & Hart, LLP
P.O. Box 1347
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: mjmicheli@hollandhart.com
Phone: (307) 778-4225
Fax: (307) 778-8175
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Patrick J. Crank
Crank Legal Group, P.C.
1815 Evans Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: pat@cranklegalgroup.com
Phone: (307) 634-2994
Fax: (307) 635-7155
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Craig Newman
The Law Office of Craig Newman
P.O. Box 2310
Casper, WY 82602
Email: cnewmanlaw@gmail.com
Phone: (307) 237-9588
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Mr. Ryan Alexander Semerad
Fuller & Semerad Law Firm
242 South Grant Street
Casper, WY 82601
Email: semerad@thefullerlawyers.com
Phone: (307) 265-3455
Fax: (307) 265-2859
Date Elected: 04/06/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Kylie Marie Waldrip
Kylie M. Waldrip, P.C.
P.O. Box 998
Rawlins, WY 82301
Email: kylie@kmwpc.net
Phone: (307) 328-4079
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Hon. John C. Brooks
1080 Cornwall
Casper, WY 82609
Email: johnbrooks44@icloud.com
Phone: (307) 262-3003
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Alison Ochs Gee
Lubnau Law Office, P.C.
P.O. Box 1028
Gillette, WY 82717
Email: alison@lubnaulaw.com
Phone: (307) 682-1313
Fax: (307) 682-9340
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Mary Helen Reed
McCarty, Reed and Earhart, Attorneys at Law, LC
P.O. Box 1418
Cody, WY 82414
Email: mary@mreattorneys.com
Phone: (307) 587-6291
Fax: (307) 587-5547
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Mistee Lyn Elliott
Crowley Fleck PLLP
P.O. Box 6550
Sheridan, WY 82801
Email: melliott@crowleyfleck.com
Phone: (307) 673-3019
Fax: (307) 672-1732
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Monica Jill Vozakis
Long Reimer Winegar LLP
P.O. Box 1040
Evanston, WY 82931
Email: mvozakis@lrw-law.com
Phone: (307) 789-6300
Fax: (307) 789-6333
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Hon. James C. Kaste
Third Judicial District Court
P.O. Box 2077
Uinta County Complex
Evanston, WY 82931
Email: jck@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 789-7002
Fax: (307) 783-0400
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Brandi Lee Monger
Wyoming Attorney General's Office
109 State Capitol
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Email: brandi.monger@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 777-7888
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Erik Johannes Oblasser
Corthell and King Law Office, P.C.
P.O. Box 1147
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: erik@corthellandking.com
Phone: (307) 742-3717
Fax: (307) 742-5641
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Nicklaus Louis Dillinger
Driggs Bills & Day, PC
319 South Gillette Avenue, Suite 272
Gillette, WY 82716
Email: ndillinger@advocates.com
Phone: (307) 337-9645
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Hon. Kevin David Taheri
Seventh Judicial District Circuit Court
115 North Center, Suite 400
Casper, WY 82601
Email: kdt@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 235-9266
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Tori R.A. Kricken
2532 Knadler Street
Laramie, WY 82072
Email: tkricken@gmail.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Mary Jennifer Hall
Lance & Hall LLP
219 East 18th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: jenny@lanceandhall.com
Phone: (307) 635-3318
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Tori R.A. Kricken
2532 Knadler Street
Laramie, WY 82072
Email: tkricken@gmail.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Donna Marie Sheen
Wyoming Children's Law Center, Inc.
710 East Garfield Street, Suite 249
Laramie, WY 82070
Email: donnasheen@wyoclc.org
Phone: (307) 632-3614
Fax: (307) 462-0596
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Scott W. Meier
Scott W. Meier, PC
P.O. Box 845
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Ms. Alison Ochs Gee
Lubnau Law Office, P.C.
P.O. Box 1028
Gillette, WY 82717
Hon. Edward A. Buchanan
Eighth Judicial District Court
P.O. Box 1055
Torrington, WY 82240
Mr. James Trent Whiting
Whiting Law, PC
277 Main Street, Suite 3
Lander, WY 82520
Email: james@whitinglawpc.com
Phone: (307) 332-5534
Fax: (307) 332-5562
Date Appointed: 09/13/2024
Term Expires: 09/19/2025
Ms. Joelle Viola Hadley-Day
P.O. Box 293
Dayton, WY 82836
Email: johadley@fiberpipe.net
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Neal Ray Stelting
Stelting & Gross, LLC
P.O. Box 3159
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: neal@s-g.law
Phone: (307) 201-5330
Fax: (307) 201-5665
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Kathleen Hart Tilton
Kathleen Tilton, Attorney at Law
21 Del Ray Drive
Lander, WY 82520-9749
Email: ktiltonlaw@gmail.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Kelly A. Rudd
Baldwin, Crocker & Rudd, P.C.
P.O. Box 1229
Lander, WY 82520
Email: rudd@bcrattorneys.com
Phone: (307) 332-3385
Fax: (307) 332-2507
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Jane Marie France
Sundahl, Powers, Kapp & Martin, LLC
P.O. Box 328
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: jfrance@spkm.org
Phone: (307) 632-6421
Fax: (307) 632-7216
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Paige Jordan Anderson
SAS Legal Group LLC
P.O. Box 65
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: paige@saslegalgroup.com
Phone: (307) 275-0892
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. James Bradley Peters
Wyoming Attorney General's Office
109 State Capitol
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Email: james.peters@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 777-8662
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Hon. James Michael Causey
Sixth Judicial District Court
500 South Gillette Avenue, Suite 2400
Campbell County Courthouse
Gillette, WY 82716
Email: jc@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 686-8517
Fax: (307) 687-6426
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Flavia Barcelos Naves
Hathaway & Kun
Cheyenne, WY
Email: fnaves@hkwyolaw.com
Phone: (307) 634-7723
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Terrance R. Martin
Fremont County Attorney's Office
450 North 2nd Street, Room 170
Lander, WY 82520
Email: terry.martin@fremontcountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 332-1162
Fax: (307) 332-1029
Date Elected: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Marcia Elizabeth Bean
Big Horn County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 647
Basin, WY 82410
Email: marcia.bean@bighorncountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 568-2436
Fax: (307) 568-2600
Date Elected: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Sarah Chavez Harkins
Carbon County Attorney's Office
P.O. Box 1146
Rawlins, WY 82301
Email: sarahharkins@carboncountywy.gov
Phone: (307) 328-2700
Fax: (307) 328-2704
Date Elected: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. David Harrison Holmes
2508 Sage Valley Drive
Gillette, WY 82718
Email: david.holmes@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 686-1490
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Rennie P. Phillips
Rennie Phillips Law, LLC
P.O. Box 1092
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: rennie@rphillipslaw.com
Phone: (307) 760-5492
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Clark D. Stith
Clark Stith Attorney
505 Broadway Street
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Email: clarkstith@wyolawyers.com
Phone: (307) 382-5565
Fax: (307) 382-5552
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Christopher Grant Humphrey
Christopher G. Humphrey, P.C. D/B/A Humphrey & Associates, P.C.
416 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: chris@humphreylegal.net
Phone: (307) 222-4946
Fax: (307) 464-3448
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Brianne C. Phillips
First Judicial District Court
P.O. Box 787
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: bphillips@courts.state.wy.us
Phone: (307) 899-3906
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Mr. Ryan Leon Wright
The Wright Law Firm
513 East 17th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: ryan@wrightslawfirm.com
Phone: (307) 634-6111
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/03/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Teresa Jacobs-Castano
502 South 4th
Laramie, WY 82070
Email: tcastano@mac.com
Phone: (307) 755-1000
Fax: (307) 742-9714
Date Appointed: 04/26/2016
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Tandy Dockery
Clark & Associates
P.O. Box 326
Lusk, WY 82225
Email: tandy@clarklandbrokers.com
Phone: (307) 340-1138
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ms. Amber Nuse
McGee, Hearne & Paiz, LLP
314 W. 18th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: ambernuse@mhpllp.com
Phone: (307) 634-2151
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Tom Brauer
795 Whipsaw Drive
Evansville, WY 82636
Email: tbrauer@casperwy.gov
Phone: (307) 267-9760
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Ms. Judy Barbe
1064 Mile Hi Drive
Casper, WY 82604
Email: judybarbe@gmail.com
Phone: (307) 259-5745
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2022
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Jennifer Nelson-Hawks
455 East Broadway Ave.
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: jennifer@jenniferhawkshealth.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Nicole Morrison
P.O. Box 2198
Jackson, WY 83001
Email: nicole@morrisoncpa.net
Phone: (781) 910-6333
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Brett McPeak
P.O. Box 7642
Jackson, WY 83002
Email: brett@brettmcpeak.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2023
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Janine Thompson
229 Doubletree
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Email: janine@1staccounting.net
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Dave Brinda
P.O. Box 485
Lander, WY 82520
Email: Dave.brinda1989@gmail.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Rick Reimann
Lenhart, Mason & Associates, LLC
900 Werner Ct., Suite 200
Casper, WY 82601
Email: rickr@wyocpa.com
Phone: (307) 234-7800
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Judy Barbe
1064 Mile Hi Drive
Casper, WY 82604
Email: judybarbe@gmail.com
Phone: Not Available
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Donald Heiduck
5631 White Bluff
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: dheiduck39@gmail.com
Phone: (307) 640-1976
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2020
Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Ms. Jodi D. Shea
Pence and MacMillan, LLC
P.O. Box 1285
Laramie, WY 82073
Email: jshea@penceandmac.com
Phone: (307) 745-3626
Fax: (307) 745-8669
Date Appointed: 01/01/2021
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Mr. Carl Anthony Edelman
Williams, Porter, Day & Neville, P.C.
702 Randall Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Email: cedelman@wpdn.net
Phone: (307) 637-5575
Fax: Not Available
Date Elected: 10/01/2024
Term Expires: 09/19/2025
Prof. Julie Andersen Hill
University of Wyoming College of Law
1000 East University Avenue, Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Email: julie.hill@uwyo.edu
Phone: (307) 766-6418
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed: 01/01/2025
Term Expires:
Staff Consultant
Mr. Mark W. Gifford
Office of Bar Counsel - Wyoming State Bar
P.O. Box 109
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: mgifford@wyobc.org
Phone: (307) 432-2106
Fax: (307) 632-3737
Date Appointed: 10/04/2019
Term Expires:
Staff Consultant
Mr. Mark W. Gifford
Office of Bar Counsel - Wyoming State Bar
P.O. Box 109
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Staff Consultant
Sharon Wilkinson
Wyoming State Bar
P.O. Box 109
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Email: swilkinson@wyomingbar.org
Phone: (307) 432-2102
Fax: Not Available
Date Appointed:
Term Expires:
Young Lawyers Delegate
Ms. Holli Jennifer Welch
Wyoming Attorney General's Office
109 State Capitol
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Email: holli.welch@wyo.gov
Phone: (307) 777-5406
Fax: (307) 777-8920
Date Elected: 08/31/2021
Term Expires: 08/08/2025