Apply for Accreditation Online
Thank you for your interest in having your continuing legal education program accredited in Wyoming. Our process is easy and quick. Just submit the Application for Accreditation (PDF 124K) along with the following attachments:
- Time Schedule
- Table of Contents or equivalent
- Faculty Name(s)
- $50 Application Fee
You will receive notification of your approval status in approximately 10 days. Upon approval, your CLE course will be listed on our online CLE Calendar.
Reporting couldn’t be easier. While Wyoming attorneys are required to self-submit Applications for CLE Credit for each program they attend, sponsors do not have to submit any documentation. That’s right – no certificates, attendance lists, or verifications. If you would like to provide the Application for CLE Credit (PDF 288K) for Wyoming attendees, you may access the form, fill in the pertinent information about the program and print it. Just remember, our office cannot accept applications submitted by course providers. Credit will only be granted upon submission of the Application for CLE Credit by the attorney.
For a complete list of Law Codes, click here.
We can even help with your marketing! You may purchase one-time use mailing labels for our members. For pricing and order form, click here. Or advertise your upcoming program to every attorney licensed in Wyoming by placing an ad in the Wyoming Lawyer. For more information, click here.