Looking for something the Wyoming State Bar released a month or even a year ago? These resources are made up of those reports, surveys, and documents that are frequently requested.
Bar Member Surveys
Every other year, the Wyoming State Bar surveys its membership on a variety of topics such as the effectiveness of Bar leadership, Bar services and activities, the effectiveness of the attorney discipline system, economics and office practice, public service and charitable work, and more. The survey is conducted prior to the Board of Officers & Commissioners Strategic Planning session with the hopes that the results will provide clear direction from the membership in order to establish a two-year plan.
2023 Bar Member Survey Results
2021 Quality of Life Survey Results
2019 Bar Member Survey Results
2017 Bar Member Survey Results
Judicial Advisory Polls
Judicial advisory polls are used by Bar associations to provide feedback to judicial officials about their performance on the bench and to help the public make more informed judgments in judicial elections. Guidelines established by the American Bar Association (ABA) state that the primary goal of judicial evaluation is “… to improve the performance of individual judges and the judiciary as a whole.” The Wyoming State Bar undertook its first judicial advisory poll in 1976 and has completed one each election year since.
2024 Judicial Performance Assessment Results
2022 Judicial Performance Assessment Results
2020 Judicial Advisory Poll Final Report
2018 Judicial Advisory Poll Final Report