Crash Course: An Overview of AI in LegalTech

July 16, 2024




Crash Course: An Overview of AI in LegalTech

July 16, 2024 2:00 PM-3:00 PM

Lawyers are beginning to slowly dip their toes into the AI pool these days – what with the popularity of generative artificial intelligent tools (like ChatGPT), pushing the popular narrative.

Or, at least: that’s what they think.

The truth is that legal technology vendors have been utilizing AI features for quite some time, especially in certain products. Most attorneys are also probably currently using AI, without even knowing it: in their personal and business lives.

So, let’s talk about it.

In this presentation, we’ll address all the ways that law firms can use artificial intelligence in practice. And, there’s likely far more mature tools available, than you might think.

Topics to be addressed include:

• Different types of AI

• Software you’re probably using now that offer AI features

• Legaltech software that use AI + how they do it

• General business software for AI versus legaltech tools

• Confidentiality of information


Jared Correia

Jared D. Correia, Esq. is a former practicing lawyer, who has been a business management consultant, exclusively for law firms, since 2008. In that time, Correia has worked with 1000s of law firms, all over the world, ranging in size from solo offices to Big Law firms. He is an internationally recognized legal technology expert. Correia is the founder and CEO of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, which offers services directly to lawyers, as well as through bar associations, for member attorneys. Correia has been the host of the Legal Toolkit podcast on Legal Talk Network, since 2009. He is also the host of the NonEventcast podcast for Above the Law, as well as a frequent contributor to its NonEvent legal technology hub. Correia is a regular presenter for legal organizations and often writes for law firm business management publications.

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