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Bouncing Around the (Zoom) Room: Taking Advantage of Online Networking Opportunities
Lawyers who relied totally on networking and the personal referrals generating therefrom have taken a hit of late, as many of those in-person marketing opportunities have dried up, or been significantly reduced, following the pandemic. It’s not the end of networking as we know it, even if it feels that way.
A lot of those networking opportunities have moved online, and lawyers can now take advantage of broader marketing options via the web. In fact, all of those in-person networking opportunities you’ve so heavily relied on are still around; they’ve just moved to the web. And, if you play your cards right, that can actually mean that your reach is expanded, rather than diminished. That’s because many traditionally localized groups are opening up their chapters to visitors.
So, if you were tired of seeing the same old faces, in the same old coffee shops for regularly scheduled marketing meetings, you can expand your horizons. Getting to know business owners in the next town over, or the next county, or the next continent is now easier than ever.
You’ve still got marketing chops; you’re a pro! This is just a different medium. It’s time to stop waiting for things to go back to normal; it’s time to dive in to the present tense!
. . .
If you need help resetting your marketing strategy for the convenience economy, we can help.
The Wyoming State Bar offers free law practice management consulting services through Red Cave Law Firm Consulting.
To request a consult, visit the Wyoming State Bar’s law practice management page, and start running your law firm like a business.
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