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Casper Attorney Receives Bar’s Professionalism Award
CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Bar is pleased to announce that Casper attorney Craig Newman is this year’s recipient of its Gerald R. Mason Professionalism Award. The award was presented at the Bar’s Annual Meeting & Judicial Conference, which took place last week at the Little America Hotel & Resort in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Newman is the seventh recipient of this annual award, presented by John A. Masterson of Casper, the Wyoming State Bar President.
“The Professionalism Award is given to the Wyoming lawyer who represents the highest standards of ethics and dedication to the law, but also recognizes someone who contributes their time and energy to making the Wyoming Bar and its lawyers the best people they can be,” said Masterson. “Craig Newman represents what we all strive for in the practice of law. He is dedicated to his work, a student of the law and an example of the decency, graciousness and ideals we all want to achieve.”
Craig Newman was born and raised in Laramie, Wyoming, where his father was the high school principal, and obtained his bachelor’s and law degrees from the University of Wyoming. Following admission to the Wyoming State Bar in 1975, Newman worked for the Wyoming Attorney General’s office for several years before taking a position with Arco Petroleum in Anchorage, Alaska. He returned to Wyoming and joined the Casper firm of Brown & Drew in 1980. One of the most respected oil and gas practitioners in the Rocky Mountain region, Newman has been a sole practitioner in Casper since 1993.
Newman’s long-standing commitment to professionalism and ethical conduct is evidenced by his five years of service on the Board of Professional Responsibility and more than eight years as a member of the Peer Review Panel and its successor, the Review and Oversight Committee. He has been instrumental in advancing the practice of law as a self-regulating profession. Newman’s long-term commitment to the wellness of his colleagues is also well-known, and includes his service on the board of directors of Wyoming Professional Assistance Program.
Newman is a lawyer’s lawyer, starting with his selection as Wyoming Division Editor, Land and Water Law Review, 1974-1975. Listed: The Best Lawyers in America (Natural Resources); SuperLawyers, Rocky Mountain Region. Author: Chapter 9, The Law of Federal Oil and Gas Leases, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (Matthew Bender, 1985); “Practice Before State Oil and Gas Agencies,” Natural Resources Law and Procedure Institute, Paper 13 (Rocky Mtn. Min’l L. Fdn., 1981); “Appeal of Commission Orders,” Oil and Gas Conservation Law and Practice, Paper 13 (Rocky Mtn. Min’l L. Fdn., 1985); “Enhanced Recovery Units and Pressure Maintenance,” Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Pooling and Utilization II, Paper 18A (Rocky Mtn. Min’l L. Fdn, 1990); “Secondary Recovery Units, Pressure Maintenance and Recycling,” Onshore Pooling and Unitization Paper 10 (Rocky Mtn. Min’l L. Fdn. 1997). Trustee, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, 1985-1992. Wyoming Official Representative, 1986-1994 and Chairman, Legal Committee, 1988-1990, Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.
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