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Close Sesame: Three Things You Can Do To Improve Your System Security Right Know
It’s 2024 and everybody is still kind of bad with passwords. Many passwords, in fact, still contain the word . . . password! That can’t be good.
However, there are three simple moves that you can make to ensure that your passwords are more impressive and difficult to hack. That will, in turn, better secure the systems that you are using passwords to protect – which, at this juncture, are pretty much all your systems.
Step one is to generate stronger passwords. You can try passphrases. You can use a password management tool that will generate more secure passwords for you so you don’t have to. And, you can ensure that you’re not using the same password across multiple programs, which is dangerous, because if one gets hacked – they all get hacked.
Step two is to lean into password managers. Not only can those systems generate strong passwords for you, but you can also use these tools to manage loads of passwords, including across devices, software tools and teams. Enterprise-level systems can even manage passwords for an entire business. Check out DashLane or 1Password, to start with – though, that’s not an exhaustive list.
Step three – add an additional factor of authentication for all passwords. That’s that numerical code you get at your email or on your phone to log in when you’re in a new location. That works on hackers too because even if they do get your password, they’re unlikely to be able to access the passcode. It’s a simple thing to do, but highly effective.
. . .
Need to lock down your law firm data security? Just reach out.
The Wyoming State Bar offers free law practice management consulting services through Red Cave Law Firm Consulting.
To request a consult, visit the Wyoming State Bar’s law practice management page, and start running your law firm like a business.
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