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Eggers Receives Wyoming State Bar Champion of Justice Award
CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Bar is pleased to announce that Walter F. Eggers, III, an attorney from Cheyenne, has received the 2019 Champion of Justice Award. Angie Dorsch, fellow Cheyenne attorney and Executive Director of Equal Justice Wyoming, presented the award last night during the Pro Bono Celebration in Cheyenne, Wyoming, which was held in conjunction with the National Pro Bono Week. Dorsch also nominated Eggers for the award.
Eggers graduated with a B.A. from American University in 1992 and with a J.D. from the University of Wyoming College of Law in 1997. He is currently a partner with Holland & Hart LLP in Cheyenne.
According to Dorsch, Eggers volunteers with Equal Justice Wyoming in many roles and has represented clients through the Volunteer Attorney Program, volunteered at evening legal advice clinics in Cheyenne, and he has helped recruit other attorneys to participate and provide pro bono services as well.
Eggers has been a member of the Board of Commissioners of Equal Justice Wyoming since its inception in April 2011. Prior to that, he was instrumental in supporting the legislation that created the first state funding for civil legal services in 2010.
Eggers also helped create the Equal Justice Wyoming Foundation in 2015, a separate 501(c)(3) with a mission of supporting civil legal aid through fundraising and other supportive activities. Eggers was on the inaugural board of the Foundation, served as Treasurer from 2015 to 2017, and served as President from 2017 to 2019.
Eggers is also an active member of the Access to Justice Commission and has been involved in the AJC’s work since 2008. He chairs the AJC’s Funding Working Group, helping to coordinate three successful campaigns to DC to ensure continued federal funding for civil legal aid. Eggers has also worked with the AJC’s Law Improvement Working Group and is currently involved in lengthy strategic planning efforts being undertaken by the Strategy Working Group.
Eggers is currently serving on a small committee, along with staff of Equal Justice Wyoming and Legal Aid of Wyoming, coordinating a statewide legal needs assessment to help inform the future work of legal aid providers in Wyoming.
“Walter is extremely busy with his day-to-day work as an attorney,” said Dorsch. “That he chooses to undertake all of these other activities is incredible. It is inspiring to see a volunteer as dedicated and committed to the cause. Walter makes time for this work because he values it. He is a true Champion of Justice not only for his pro bono service, but also for his overall contribution to the legal profession and access to justice.”
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