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Game On! Motivate Your Team with Data
Lord knows we can all use some extra motivation these days.
Law firms still tend to make most decisions about practice management on an ad hoc basis: What does your gut tell you to do? But, those attorneys who employ data-driven decision making can gain a tremendous competitive advantage. But, data isn’t just useful for decision making.
If you keep track of the right data, and generate the right reports, you can use those to motivate your team. Want people working faster? Track how much time it takes on average to draft a specific document set, and then try to have your team bring the average time down. (It’ll help to use document assembly software.) Want to reduce your accounts receivable? Track your collection rate, and try to top it each month. Want more clients? Monitor your lead close percentage, and try to improve it. These are just a few examples; but, you can take almost any KPI and turn into a competitive challenge.
It’s called gamification, and it’s a real business principle.
. . .
Want to get into the game? We can help you to utilize data more effectively in your law firm.
The Wyoming State Bar offers FREE law practice management consulting services through Red Cave Law Firm Consulting.
To request a consult, visit the Wyoming State Bar’s law practice management page, and start running your law firm like a business.
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