Input on the future of legal education

In collaboration with the Wyoming State Bar, the Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Initiative® of IAALS, the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the University of Denver, is doing a study on the skills, characteristics, and competencies that the profession requires of new lawyers.

This study is part of the national Foundations for Practice project—an ambitious effort to determine what law graduates need to launch successful careers in the legal profession, create models of legal education to better fulfill those needs, and identify tools legal employers can use to make better hiring decisions.

The views of the members of the Wyoming State Bar are essential to this study. Wyoming lawyers received an e-mail invitation to participate in the study from Sharon Wilkinson on January 15th. Please complete this survey and contribute your expertise to this important endeavor.

For more information, please visit the project description on the Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers website.

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