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Less Is More: Why Targeted Marketing Is So Important for Law Firms
Let me be clear: your job as a lawyer is NOT to be the next Andrew Carnegie. That’s in part because law firms are inherently geographically-limited businesses — in the main. What’s to stop Walmart from opening another location across the state line? Essentially nothing. What’s to stop a law firm from doing the same thing? Well, another bar exam passage (or waive-in process), for one. For another, there may be restrictive rules relating to physical office space requirements for law firms, as well as a host of other protectionist measures to keep out-of-state lawyers, well . . . out of state. Then there’s the practical difficulty of managing various ethics rules regimes, for each state you locate an office (virtual or otherwise) in.
Because most law firms are still referral-based businesses, they rely heavily on local connections. Usually the big kahuna at a law firm is going to be out and about, shaking hands and kissing babies (metaphorically speaking), drumming up business. It’s damn near impossible to clone managing partners, such that most law firms are effectively limited in their marketing by the sheer success of the founding partner in being able to market herself locally. But, even for law firms that can expand, there’s still a choice as to whether or not they should expand; and, given all the things that hamper law firm expansion, the better choice may be to blow out your local opportunity. And, even if you are already marketing online effectively, note that your understanding of and comfort in your local market can remain an advantage, since targeted marketing tactics are easier to draw upon than ever before.
It’s axiomatically true that local SEO is most effective. And, you can market in such a granular way on social media that you could theoretically target a physical block of addresses, if you wanted. More generally, you can design your content to apply to a specific geographic region. You can also include in your law firm logo reference to a geographic area. There’s so much you can do, as a lawyer, to tighten your marketing, and to better focus your efforts on where (physically) your clients are; and, it’s probably the most cost-effective way to market a law firm.
. . .
If you need to get clear about getting local, we can help.
The Wyoming State Bar offers free law practice management consulting services through Red Cave Law Firm Consulting. To request a consult, visit the Wyoming State Bar’s law practice management page, and start running your law firm like a business.
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