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New CLE Rules Effective July 1st
You will recall that you were recently given an opportunity to submit comments on proposed amendments to the CLE Rules. The Bar received a number of constructive suggestions. Thank you to those of you who took the time to provide your feedback!
As a result of members’ suggestions, the Board of CLE reconvened and made additional revisions. The Wyoming Supreme Court approved the proposed amendments yesterday, and the new CLE Rules went into effect July 1, 2015.
Below are some of the highlights of the amendments:
- They require the Wyoming State Bar to provide early (November 15) notice to attorneys of their CLE status. Although such notice is being provided as a matter of courtesy by CLE Director, Marie Ellis, it is not a requirement of the rules.
- They extend by 30 days (from January 30 to March 1) the time during which attorneys are allowed to submit applications for CLE activities completed during the previous calendar year.
- They preserve the confidentiality of proceedings relating to extension and waiver requests, which often involve matters of a very personal nature.
- They prohibit ex parte contact with the CLE Board, similar to rules in place for the Court’s other regulatory boards, the Board of Professional Responsibility and the Board of Law Examiners.
- Finally, they provide clarity in several areas where it is lacking in the present rules.
Please make sure to familiarize yourself with all of the proposed rule changes. To see the Court’s Order and the new rules, CLICK HERE.
If you have any questions, certainly feel free to contact Marie Ellis, CLE Director, at (307) 432-2103 or by e-mail at mellis@wyomingbar.org.
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