SIGN UP! I’ll Do One!

The Wyoming State Bar in partnership with Equal Justice Wyoming (formerly the Wyoming Center for Legal Aid) would like to encourage lawyers to take part in the “I’ll Do One” initiative.

While legal aid programs in Wyoming have expanded over the last year, the need for pro bono services is still great. An ABA study estimates that approximately 80% of the legal needs of the poor remain unmet. There is a large gap in the ability of low-income individuals to access the services of an attorney. Consider the following. In Wyoming, there is approximately one attorney in private practice for every 250 Wyoming residents. However, in our state, there is only one legal aid attorney for every 7,500 poor Wyoming residents. These statistics tell the story of why there are a growing number of pro se litigants in our courtrooms today.

Sign Up Now!

Once you are signed up, take advantage of the resources for pro bono attorneys provided by the Wyoming Center for Legal Aid. Visit the Pro Bono Portal (password accessible) and get general reference materials useful for any case as well as substantive law resources arranged by topic for the areas of law that most commonly affect low-income clients. The site also has a calendar of upcoming free CLEs for pro bono attorneys and will eventually allow access to archived CLE presentations.


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