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At its 2015 Annual Meeting, the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association approved a resolution which allows all state bar associations to select a young lawyer to serve in the House of Delegates. As a result, the Bar is now accepting expressions of interest from those who may be interested in serving in this capacity.
Criteria are as follows:
- Must be a member in good standing of the American Bar Association
- Must have been admitted to practice in your first bar within the past five years, or must be less than 36 years old at the beginning of the term. The term will become effective July 1, 2016.
Darin Scheer currently serves as the Wyoming State Bar delegate. He represents Wyoming attorneys in the House of Delegates and is expected to attend the ABA Mid-Year Meeting (February) as well as the ABA Annual Meeting (August). He also reports to the Wyoming State Bar members at the Bar’s Annual Business Meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting & Judicial Conference. The expectations are the same for the new young lawyer delegate.
Those interested in being considered for the Bar’s Young Lawyer Delegate should submit an expression of interest to Sharon Wilkinson, Executive Director, (see contact information below) by June 1, 2016. Expressions of interest should be in writing (either e-mail or a letter) and should include a resume and an expression of interest letter detailing why you wish to serve in this capacity and why you think you are suited for the position.
The Board of Officers & Commissioners will review all expressions of interest and make the selection at its June 17, 2016, meeting. All candidates will be notified of the decision on Monday, June 20th. The term will expire in August of 2017. At that time, this vacancy will fall into the normal elections process as provided by the Bylaws of the Wyoming State Bar.
Questions should be directed to Sharon Wilkinson at (307) 432-2102 or Darin Scheer (307) 273-3400.
Send expressions of interest to:
Sharon Wilkinson
Executive Director
Wyoming State Bar
P.O. Box 109
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Fax: (307) 632-3737
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