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CALL FOR NOMINATIONS! Bar Officers & Commissioners
Wyoming State Bar Officers
The four officers of the Wyoming State Bar comprise the executive committee. Robert C. Jarosh of Cheyenne will succeed John A. Masterson as president after the 2017 Annual Meeting in September. The president-elect, vice president, and treasurer are elected for one-year terms. Any active, resident member of the Wyoming State Bar may be nominated as a candidate for these three offices. The nominations must be signed by at least two active, resident members in good standing. Nominations must be filed with the Wyoming State Bar by 5:00 p.m., July 1, 2017. The president and president-elect cannot reside in the same judicial district; therefore, those residing in the First Judicial District are ineligible to run for President-Elect.
Wyoming State Bar Board of Commissioners
Commissioners for the First, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth Judicial Districts will be elected for three-year terms. Nominations for commissioners must be signed by at least two active members who reside or maintain a practice within the applicable judicial districts. Nominations must be received by the Wyoming State Bar by 5:00 p.m., July 1, 2017.
The Board of Officers and Commissioners shall have general charge of the activities of the Wyoming State Bar. The Board shall make appropriations, authorize disbursements, and/or periodically monitor and ratify proper disbursements reviewed, approved and authorized by the executive director from the funds of the Wyoming State Bar in payment of the necessary expenses of the Wyoming State Bar, its officers, commissioners and committees; engage and define the duties of salaried employees and fix their compensation; receive, consider and take action on reports and recommendations submitted by committees and the assembly of members of the Wyoming State Bar at any annual or special meeting; and adopt policies and procedures consistent with the by-laws for the orderly administration of the Wyoming State Bar’s affairs and activities. Each commissioner shall annually hold a State Bar district meeting within sixty (60) days prior to the date of the annual meeting and shall regularly inform constituents regarding Wyoming State Bar matters. This list of duties is a partial list. For a full list, please refer to Article III, Section 4 of the Bylaws of the Wyoming State Bar.
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