February 2025 Wyoming Lawyer

But, like all good things, every workflow must come to an end. If it doesn’t, you’ve got a problem: you have a loose end.
There are ways to measure the performance of your staff, and those effectively break down across three categories: (1) Efficiency; (2) Proficiency; (3) Profitability.
If you belong to one of the few law firms that raises their rates annually – Kudos to you!
The Wyoming State Bar announced that the following attorneys have been suspended from the practice of law in Wyoming for failing to comply with Article I, Sec. 5(b) of the Bylaws of the Wyoming State Bar by not paying their annual license fees.
Lots of law firms are on the hunt for ‘perfect’ software. But that doesn’t really exist with off-the shelf-software. There’s always going to be something you don’t like.
Every lawyer I’ve spoken to in the last year plus has been talking about ChatGPT, which has sort of captured the societal zeitgeist. And whenever the concepts of machine learning or artificial intelligence are brought up – they’re two very different things, actually – attorneys always start asking: Is this new tech going to take my job?
Law firms have traditionally been built on the back of referral marketing. You know, lawyers going to events, meeting other attorneys and business owners, and thus generating inbound leads to their firms. That’s pretty much how it’s always been. And that focus exists for a number of reasons.
There’s actually lots of different tactics you can use to eliminate unnecessary meetings, reduce the time spent in meetings you need to have and/or better organize those necessary meetings.
By order dated December 12, 2024, the Wyoming Supreme Court ordered Gayla Austin to be suspended from the practice of law for a period of 10 months effective March 1, 2024.