Archive for the ‘Law Practice Management’ Category

Task(s) at Hand: Tools for Managing Your Practice Responsibilities

It’s likely that you already have a task management system in place – in fact, pretty much every productivity (email) software, or law practice management system has one built in.  But, you may find those lacking in terms of the task functionality.  If you do, there are a lot of great task management tools that focus on that one operation which you could look to.

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Red Flag: Vetting Potential Clients Is Easier With a List

If you don’t have a list of red flags for potential clients, you may end up stepping in it down the road.  Maybe you think those red flags are so obvious, they’re not even worth writing down.  But, they are – if for no other reason than that they speak to your client vetting process, and will keep you in line on close cases. 

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