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The Wyoming State Bar is currently accepting nominations for upcoming vacancies on the Board of Officers & Commissioners.
CosmoLex version 4.8 features new Accounts Payable functions and enhanced accounting capabilities to further address and assist with legal-specific accounting challenges.
The Wyoming State Bar is pleased to announce that the Cheyenne law firm of Woodhouse Roden Nethercott is one of the recipients of the 2016 Pro Bono Awards for Legal Services for Indigent Clients.
Perhaps some of you remember seeing Gov. Matt Mead’s announcement on television earlier this year of a program to help lawyers with problems.
The Wyoming Supreme Court issued a public censure to Cheyenne lawyer, Bruce S. Asay. Asay represented a client with respect to employment-related issues, including a claim for Unemployment Insurance Compensation (UIC) and a discrimination (retaliatory discharge) claim. Asay required a $4,000 payment from the client before filing the discrimination lawsuit, which was deposited into Asay’s lawyer trust account, an account designated for funds belonging to clients.