Archive for the ‘Law Practice Management’ Category

The Customer Is Always Right: How to Develop Consumer-Friendly Pricing for Law Firms

Modern law firm consumers are an entirely new breed.  They have more law firm options than ever before, and aren’t afraid to use them.  They are committed to mobile search.  They are more cost-sensitive than any consumer base in modern history.  Absent a near-instantaneous response from a potential lawyer hire, they will immediately move on to the next attorney on their list.

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Write This Down: Content Marketing is Cheap and Effective

Despite changes to advertising rules, lawyers have marketed themselves in much the same way for generations.  You find an office space, you go out and network, you do good work, and more work comes in.  But, as consumers have become more discerning, and as law firm choices continue to proliferate, lawyers continue to stick with the same marketing strategy they always have.  There is, however, a cost.

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The Strong Silent Type: Password Managers Bridge the Gap Between Convenience and Security

Do you reuse the same passwords over and over again?  Or, do you find yourself creating ever simpler passwords, so they’re easier to remember?  Do you instead use really complicated passwords that you keep on sticky notes around the office?  In the short run, these are easy solutions to password management; but, in the long term, it’s a security loophole that’s bound to come back to bite you.

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